Is Church Metrics really free, or am I signing up for a free trial?
When you sign up for a Church Metrics account, it is 100% free. We love the local church and believe in the work the Church does across the globe, so we offer and support data tracking through Church Metrics for free.
Can I track individual attenders with Church Metrics?
Church Metrics was built to track overall data in your church, not individuals. With Church Metrics, you’re able to see the big picture in your church, like overall attendance, overall giving, and more.
Can I import previous data?
Yes! You can import previous data in a .CSV format. When you’re ready to take this step, we have documentation that makes it easy.
How many people can have access to my church account?
Multiple users can be added to your Church Metrics account. You can add multiple admins and users with different roles and permissions.
Can I give volunteers access to our account?
Yes. Volunteers can have access to Church Metrics. You can set up special permissions and roles that will restrict the information they have access to.
How long will it take for me to sign up and get started?
Initial set-up for Church Metrics is simple and quick. On average, you’ll be ready to enter data in less than five minutes.
Is there an API for Church Metrics and can I have access to it?
Yes. You can find our API here. https://github.com/TangoGroup/churchmetrics-api